Как запустить приложение ipad на компьютер. Лучшие эмуляторы iOS на Windows

Many of us prefer an Android device but wish to play the games or utilize apps that are strictly created for iOS users. However, not many are aware that there is a way to run a different operating system through Windows. Yes, the good news is that you can easily run iOS apps in Windows by using iPhone or iPad emulators. In this article, we are going to present you the 8 best iOS emulators for Windows 10, 8 and 7 PC to download today.

Read on to find out how?

What is an iOS Emulator?

Before we guide you about some of the best iOS emulators for Windows PC, let’s first learn what an iOS emulator is.

An iOS emulator is an electronic software that enables one computer to act like a different system called the “guest” and allows it to of the “host” system. In simple words, the emulators are like virtual machines that support the operation of applications that belong to a different operating system and run them seamlessly. Emulators have the capability to run apps from a specific operating system or multiple devices like iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, etc.

IOS Simulator vs. iOS Emulator:

The words may sound similar but are quite different in functions. “mimics” and copy the software and hardware environment from the host device. On the other hand, the simulators only “mimic” the software environment and are often used in studies and analysis.

The Advantages of iOS Emulators for Windows PC:

There are many benefits of using an emulator and although they were initially developed for the dev team to – their popularity among the general public is increasing daily which is why there are so many emulators in the market.

Some of the main advantages of iOS emulators include:

  • The emulators can easily run on multiple devices.
  • The emulators can be used to test and analyze apps and programs.
  • Emulators allow the users to experience a different operating system which they are unable to purchase due to some reason.
  • Emulators can help make purchase decision easy by allowing the potential consumers to get a feel of the OS before making a full payment.

7 best iOS Emulators for Windows 10, 8 and 7

Now that you have sufficient knowledge about emulators and their benefits, let’s talk about some of the best emulators in the market.

1. Xamarin Testflight – Test iOS Apps on Windows PC

Since Xamarin Testflight is owned by Apple Corporation, users can expect a lot of similarity between the actual iOS device and the emulator. The user-friendly interface and the advanced support – the Xamarin Testflight is very easy to install and download. However, it can only be used to test apps based on iOS 8.0 and above.

2. MobiOne Design Center Emulator for PC

3. Air iPhone Emulator for Windows 10, 7 & 8

Air iPhone is an alternate iOS simulator for Windows which is useful in replicating the iPhone’s graphical user interface. To run the Air iPhone, you will need the Adobe Air framework that will recreate the iPhone’s GUI on the Windows platform.

4. iPhone Simulator for PC

One of the best emulators for iOS, the iPhone simulator allows users to easily on their Windows PC. Since, purchasing an actual iPhone can cause a huge financial burden for many, with the iPhone simulator users can benefit from the same experience. It is also widely used by developers to track any bugs in underdeveloped apps before release.

Unfortunately, the only disadvantage of the simulator is that you are unable to access Apple app store and a few apps in your Windows even though the graphics and interface is an exact clone of the actual iPhone.

5. Ripple – Best iOS Emulator for Windows PC and Mac

Ripple is another iOS emulator that has became a very popular iPhone emulator for PC and Mac users. It is usually used for app testing and also used for the development of new apps by the developers. Ripple is just a Google Chrome extension that allows you to run iOS apps inside the Chrome browser.

6. Smartface iOS Emulator for Windows 10, 8 and 7 PC

Smartface is an iPhone app emulator and tester that helps develop cross-platform native iOS apps for free. It’s extremely easy to use. Just download and install the Smartface app in the host device and connect it to the Windows system. Make sure the Windows device you are using has an iTunes version available which will allow it to correspond seamlessly.

A debugging feature is also available within the app which can be used for real-time code changes and breakpoints, etc. Android users can also utilize the Smartface app as it’s also compatible with an Android device.

7. IPADIAN – iOS Emulator for PC

Perhaps one of the best iPad emulator for Windows is IPADIAN. It gives the of an iPad in their Android and Windows device. With this app, you can easily access multiple Apple features like Siri, TVOS, iMessages, and many more. The user-interface is very easy to use which is why many users prefer the model above the others.

8. Appetize.io

The alternative to App.io, Appetize.io is the most advanced of all emulators as it allows users to develop Android and iOS apps on cloud storage.

If you download the Appetize.io, the first 100 minutes are free. However, a charge of $0.05 per minute is applicable on using more than the free 100 minutes.

Buying an iPhone is a dream of many individuals. Unfortunately, most budgets don’t allow the luxury of owning one. This is where the emulators come in. With the emulators; you can easily experience the apps and programs that are limited to iOS users without putting a constraint on your pocket. With these emulators, you can access the “much-hyped” apps of Apple device s within minutes from your Windows PC. Best of all, they are mostly free.

: If you ever liked some iOS app and you want to try that app again but you don’t have an iPhone. Then no need to get disheartened. You can easily run those apps on your windows PC. Bear with me for some time and you will be able to know How To Run iOS Apps On PC . There are various iOS emulators available which can help you run iOS apps on your windows PC.

Before going through the list of best iOS emulator for Windows first you need to know what an emulator is.

What is An iOS Emulator? :

If you don’t know what an iOS emulator is, it is a software or tool using which you can run any iPhone apps or Play iPhone Games On PC . It’s very easy to install iOS emulator on your windows machine and you can easily access all the iOS apps without paying anything. If you want to develop any apps of iOS then you can also test those applications on the iOS emulator.

So if you want to run iOS apps on your computer then emulators are the best solution.

There are many iOS emulators available for windows but we have listed best iOS emulators for you so that you don’t get confused while choosing best iOS emulator for windows.

Best iOS Emulator For PC (iPhone emulator for PC) :

1. MobiOne Studio :

5. Xamarin TestFlight :

If you want to use best iOS emulator for windows that comes with great user friendly UI and advanced support then you should go for Xamarin Testflight Emulator for windows. But the condition is you should be able to spend some bucks if you want to use this emulator as this is not the free one.

Once you have installed this you can enjoy best iOS apps and games on your windows PC. You can use this iOS emulator with all the versions of windows without any problems.

6. App.io :

If are looking for an iOS emulator to use on your windows PC, but you don’t want to install any application in your system for this purpose then you can use App.io iOS emulator for windows. App.io is an online iOS emulator which can work more or less similar to offline emulators listed above. All you got to do is upload iOS.app bundle on App.io site and you will get interface in some time, where you will be able to run the application. Plus Point of using this website is, it works even with .apk files it means you can use this iPhone emulator for PC for running android applications too.

7. Appetize.io :

If you are looking for another online iOS emulator for PC as an alternative to App.io then Appetize.io is the best alternative available. You have to upload .ipa file and it will send you the link of emulator app on your email id. It can also be used to run .apk files so it can work as an android emulator also. If you are a developer and looking for iPhone emulator for PC for testing your applications then also you can use Appetize.io

8. Nintendo 3DS Emulator :

If you are looking for an iPhone Emulator For PC just for playing games then Nintendo 3DS Emulator should be your first choice. It is an excellent gaming console that was developed by Nintendo in 2010. It started getting popularity in short span of time and became popular among the gamer community from all over the world. You can play all high resolutions and 3-D games using this emulator. It can run all the high end games very smoothly on your windows PC without requiring any extra accessory.

9. iPhone Simulator :

iPhone Simulator is another great iPhone Emulator For Windows that can provide you actual experience of using an iPhone device. It offers great user interface and high quality graphics that resembles an actual iPhone. You can enjoy your favorite games and apps using iPhone Simulator on your windows PC. It is a good option for developers who are just starting out to build iOS applications. They can test their in-progress apps with iPhone Simulator to check the major issues or bugs.

10. iPad Simulator :

iPad Simulator is not a software like other emulator that needs to be installed on your PC. It can be used in your Google Chrome browser. It is a chrome extension that works as a cloud operating system. Once you have installed iPad Simulator extension on your chrome browser you can start using iPhone Apps right away. You can send messages to your friends using iMessage For PC . You can see all the conversations and notifications within the chrome extension. Other notable features including access to Siri, cloud access, link to web services and many more. So overall it is good iOS emulator for PC and worth giving a try.

So these were some Best iOS Emulator For Windows . Hope you liked our post. If you know any other iOS Emulator For PC , then do let us know in comments.

Сегодня я расскажу, как использовать приложения для iOS на своем PC с помощью эмуляторов iPhone . В этой статье я перечислю все эмуляторы iOS , которые в настоящее время доступны для платформы Windows :

Что такое эмулятор iOS?

Эмулятор — это программное обеспечение, с помощью которого можно запускать приложения, предназначенные для других операционных систем: Android , iOS и т. д.

Эмулятор iPhone позволяет запускать iOS-приложения на PC без необходимости использования iPhone . Подобное программное обеспечение полезно для разработчиков, особенно при создании приложений под другие платформы. Если бы при тестировании приложение каждый раз нужно было переносить на iPhone , это занимало бы очень много времени. В таких случаях эмуляторы становятся практически незаменимыми.

Существует много эмуляторов iOS для Windows , но в этой статье я перечислю лучшие из них. Как вы, знаете, iOS — это любимая операционная система разработчиков, и большинство приложений сначала запускаются только для iOS . С другой стороны, iPhone очень дорогой, и многие считают, что он не стоит этих денег. Так что большинство покупает бюджетные смартфоны.

Для Windows существуют десятки эмуляторов iOS на ПК , и для большинства из нас трудно определить лучший из них. Но не волнуйтесь, поскольку наша команда до написания этой статьи тщательно изучила эмуляторы iOS , вы сможете легко выбрать лучшие из приведенного ниже списка.

Лучшие эмуляторы iOS для Windows 7/8/8.1/10

1) iPadian iPhone Emulator

Один из лучших эмуляторов iPhone для Windows. IPadian Emulator доступен в двух версиях. Одна бесплатная, другая стоит 10 долларов. С ее помощью можно запускать любые приложения для iOS, например WhatsApp, Snapchat и т. д., которые нельзя запустить в бесплатном iPad-эмуляторе. Я настоятельно рекомендую купить платную версию. Я лично попробовал iPadian для Windows 8:

Некоторые функции iPadian Emulator для PC:

  1. Бесплатная версия iPadian Emulator дает возможность почувствовать, как работать на iOS ;
  2. В бесплатной версии включен доступ к настраиваемому магазину App Store ;
  3. В премиум-версии можно использовать любое приложение из Apple App Store ;
  4. В премиум-версии нет рекламы.

Как установить iPad-эмулятор на компьютере с Windows:

Для запуска iPadian iPhone Emulator на компьютере выполните следующие действия.

  1. Скачайте iPadian Emulator ;
  2. Дважды кликните по файлу установщика, который вы загрузили в предыдущем шаге;
  3. Следуйте указаниям мастера установки эмулятора iOS для Windows ;
  4. После успешной установки iPadian Emulator на компьютер можно выполнять дальнейшие шаги для запуска iOS-приложений .

Как запускать iOS-приложения на ОС Windows 7/8/8.1 с помощью iPadian Emulator:

  • Дважды кликните по иконке iPadian ;
  • Теперь в интерфейсе эмулятора нажмите на иконку магазина приложений;
  • Загрузите свои любимые приложения и наслаждайтесь эмулятором iOS на PC .

2) MobiOne Studio (проект официально прекращен )

Является одним из лучших эмуляторов iOS для Windows . Позволяет запускать на PC любые приложения для iOS в несколько кликов мыши. А также пользоваться приложениями для Android . Все приложения, созданные студией MobiOne , разработаны на HTML5 и будут работать на всех устройствах. MobiOne Studio не бесплатна, но можно воспользоваться пробной версией на 15 дней.

Обновление — этот проект iPhone эмулятора официально прекращен, но его все равно можно установить на свой компьютер, загрузив EXE-файл со сторонних сайтов.

3) Air iPhone Emulator

Еще один отличный эмулятор iOS , который доступен для Windows 7/8/8.1 и т. д. Используя его, можно без проблем запускать iOS -приложения на своем компьютере. Если вы iOS-разработчик , можно использовать этот эмулятор, чтобы бесплатно тестировать приложения. Если вам не понравился iPadian Emulator , особенно его бесплатная версия, тогда можно попробовать данную альтернативу:

Как установить эмулятор Air Phone на PC:

  1. Скачайте Airphone Emulator для PC ;
  2. Дважды кликните по файлу и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки;
  3. Нажмите в конце «Готово ».

4) Xamarin Testflight

Что касается поддержки разработчиков, я должен сказать, что в этом плане Xamarin Testflight — лучший эмулятор iOS для Windows 7 . Хотя это платное программное обеспечение, но оно стоит своих денег:

5. Appetize.Io

Это облачный эмулятор, и вы не сможете загрузить его на свой компьютер. Ранее существовал эмулятор iPhone , известный как App.io , но он больше не доступен. Поэтому, если вы ищете альтернативу App.io , то вам стоит попробовать Appetize.io :

Это эмулятор предоставляется бесплатно в течение первых 100 минут в месяц. После этого необходимо будет платить $ 0,05 за минуту. Обратите внимание на то, что вы не сможете установить какое-либо приложение в эмуляторе, но сможете протестировать в нем файлы .ipa .

Так сложилось, что поиск эмулятора iOS на ОС Windows связан с определёнными трудностями, если вы не относитесь к числу разработчиков программного обеспечения, которые обладают всеми необходимыми средствами . Официальный эмулятор, к сожалению, работает только на Mac OS. Что же делать остальным желающим, которые используют ОС Windows? Специально для всех страждущих было написано несколько эмуляторов, которые работают вполне прилично и могут удовлетворить минимальные запросы. Как раз о них и пойдёт речь в этой статье. Поехали!

С помощью приложения можно изучить интерфейс iOS и опробовать некоторые приложения

iPadian 2

Эта программа представляет собой бесплатный продукт, который совместим со всеми версиями Windows. Эта утилита позволяет вам поработать с виртуальным iPad и опробовать на нём некоторые приложения из ограниченного списка. Но не спешите расстраиваться. В этом списке есть несколько самых популярных программ и игр, так что будет что посмотреть, «потыкать» и попробовать. Возможность самому устанавливать какие-либо приложения отсутствует. Визуально перед вами будет точная копия интерфейса iOS для iPad, поэтому можно сказать, что выглядит всё натурально, как на настоящем рабочем столе планшета от Apple. Как вы можете убедиться, функционал ограничен настолько, насколько это, вообще, возможно. Однако с задачей «познакомить» пользователя с интерфейсом iOS iPadian 2 справляется.


Это не совсем типичный эмулятор, но выбирать особо не приходится. Особенностью App.io является то, что это онлайн-эмулятор. Этот проект появился недавно и в большей степени ориентирован на разработчиков, а не рядовых пользователей . Единственное, что App.io может предложить - оценить работу приложения непосредственно в браузере. В этом эмуляторе, как вы можете убедиться, возможности ограничены ещё больше, чем в iPadian 2.

Do you want to use any iOS app but don’t have an iPhone? Don’t worry, as today I will be sharing how you can iOS apps in your PC/Computer using iPhone Emulators. I was getting many queries regarding best iOS Emulator For Windows using which one can run iOS apps in Windows. So, If you are looking for the same, Keep reading the article as I will list all iOS based Emulators which is available for Windows platform.

What is iOS Emulator?

An iOS emulator is a software that enables one computer system, known as the host to behave like another Operating System, called the guest by enabling the host system to run the software or use devices that are originally developed to be used by that particular OS. Putting things in perspective for this specific discussion, an iOS emulator will enable a windows based computer to emulate or imitate an iOS based device through certain specific programs that have been specially created for this purpose. Through the use of these emulators the app developers can test their programs before coming out with commercial versions of the same as well it allows the users of windows to use these towards using the iOS games or apps or to create iOS apps on their PCs.

iOS Emulator VS iOS Simulator

Although these two words ‘Emulator’ and ‘Simulator’ is understood to be meaning the same, in actuality, these are quite different from each other. To put it simply, emulators actually mimic the software and hardware environments found on the corresponding host devices, whereas the simulators only mimic the software environment. Towards that end, Simulation is generally used for analysis and study whereas Emulation is used for using a particular device as a substitute or to get the exact experience as that of the device that is being emulated. Therefore, it will be quite correct to say that an Emulator is a combination of hardware and software, thereby providing more realistic behaviour whereas the Simulator is only software based. One analogy, to understand the subtle difference between the two could be to imagine that you are trying to tell your friend that it will be fun to jump in an ice cold pool. To simulate it, you pretend to jump into the pool yourself and enjoy the cold water by enacting how it would feel. To emulate the same, you actually jump into the pool.

Advantages Of iOS Emulator

There are various advantages of using iOS emulators and that is a proof of the fact that there are multiple emulators now available with their numbers ever increasing. Some of the distinct advantages of using iOS simulators are the following:

  • These emulators can be used during the development process for testing the various apps.
  • The emulators can be easily run on multiple devices.
  • Emulators obviously facilitate the users to experience an OS that they could not otherwise afford due to its high costs.
  • Emulators can help the undecided customers to first have a look and feel and the actual experience of using a particular iOS device before deciding whether they would like to buy it or not.

I think you have already got enough idea about emulators & simulators. – What they are and how it will serve your purpose. So, Let’s discuss about best iOS/iPad Emulator for Windows without any delay now.

There are dozens of emulators for iOS available for Windows PC and it’s really very difficult for most of us to find best one for our personal use. But don’t worry as our team had researched about iOS Emulators & simulators in-depth before writing this article, so that you can easily select best iPhone emulator for Windows PC from the below list.

Best iOS Emulator for Windows 7/8/8.1/10:

Although with the rapid development of technology and the interconnectivity of operating systems, there are various programs that have been developed to work as iOS emulators; the following are some of the better-known ones that have been received quite well by its users.

MobiOne Studio

MobiOne is considered among the most versatile and easy to use software that allows the users to emulate various iOS apps with ease as well as developing iOS applications. This program has been downloaded by more than half a million designers and developers since its launch in 2009 and has multiple unique capabilities such as customised user interface templates that use the drag and drop function for both portrait and landscape orientations that can also be modified. Through the App Sync technology, MobiOne also supports large sized apps for review and testing. Through the use of common text messaging, users can also transfer their apps directly to any mobile device.

Update – This iPhone Emulator is officially discontinued now but you can still install it in your computer by downloading EXE file of it from third party sites.


Smart face is among the most popular iOS emulators that offer basic functions for Windows OS and allows the users to develop unlimited apps absolutely free of cost. It is extremely easy to use this program too. All that one needs to do is to install the app on the host device through the app store and then connect it to the windows system. It is important that the Windows device should have the iTunes installed so that the two systems can work in sync. Once the iOS is emulated onto the Windows device, the developers can then develop native applications through Smart Face. There is also the function to debug your apps with useful debugging features such as real time code changes and breakpoints etc. As an app developing software the program is quite adept at providing the capability to the users to test the applications in various iOS environments. Although we are discussing only the iOS in this article, it is worthwhile to know that Smart face can also be used with the Android platform with equal efficiency.

Air iPhone Emulator

Air iPhone Emulator is widely regarded to be among the top programs to create extremely realistic emulation effects. This program functions with the support of the Adobe Air framework that recreates the Graphical User Interface or GUI of the selected iOS on the Windows platform computers. This program is of great importance to the developers who can upload their newly developed applications to the Air iPhone emulator before releasing it to see how it looks and feels like. Although there are various features available on this emulator, some core applications such as the Safari Web browser are not available and that constraints its use. Air iPhone emulator was originally designed to allow users to make and receive free calls through Ribbit, a telecommunications service that was used mostly by developers to connect with telephone networks. Ribbit was acquired by BT in 2008 and the communication features are no more functional.

iPhone Simulator

The iPhone simulator works on the flash and is considered among the foremost apps when it comes to the ease of use and the brilliance of the interface. Although this app does not give access to some crucial iPhone apps such as the App Store or the Safari browser, it is still quite handy when it comes to having an access to the other more popular applications such as notepad, clock, calculator etc. Whereas it seems that this simulator is using the iOS, it is basically a flash application and has its natural limitations. Although this program might not be very useful for the app developers for advanced features such as debugging etc., it is still quite handy for those that want to experience the iOS environment before deciding to invest in an iOS device.


As the name suggests, iPadian is a software program for Pcs that are running Windows XP or higher to easily launch an alternative desktop that looks like an iPad screen. In the true sense, therefore, iPadian is not really a true emulator, but rather a simulator. iPadian is actually a desktop application that is based on the Adobe Air platform and cannot run without that being first installed on the computer. Since it is not possible to access many of the native iOS apps on the iPadian, it comes with its own app store which is a set of apps that can run on windows and give the user a feeling of using the iOS apps. iPadian also has some major interface challenges since it tries and emulates the iPad which has a touch interface and when it is rendered on PC, it doesn’t quite give the same experience to the users since the touch screen swipe function cannot be perfectly emulated.

Some features of iPadian for PC:

  1. Free version of iPadian can give you basic iOS feel for free.
  2. Access to customised store App Store in free version.
  3. In premium version, you can use any app freely with Apple App Store.
  4. Premium version is totally ad free.
  5. Moreover, it’s cheap also. (Premium version is available for 10$ only).

How to Install iPadian in Your Windows Computer:

  1. First of all, Download iPadian from above link.
  2. Double, Click on installation file which you have downloaded in above step.
  3. Follow, on screen options and Click on Next accordingly.
  4. Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your PC, you can follow further steps to run iOS apps in your Windows Computer.

How to run iOS Apps in Windows 7/8/8.1 PC by iPadian:

Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your Windows Computer. You will see iPadian icon on dekstop.

  • Simply, do a double click on iPadian icon.
  • Now from their interface, simply click on store.
  • Download your favourite apps from there and enjoy iOS emulator on PC.

Xamarin Testflight

Xamarin Testflight is one of the best iOS based emulators for windows. In terms of developer support, I have to say that Xamarin Testflight is to give a try once. Though, its paid emulator for Windows, but believe me it’s worth it.

In this post, I will not cover how to setup this emulator as developer of Xamarin Testflight has written detailed tutorial on the same on their official blog.


Appetize.Io is one of the best iOS Emulators for Windows. Note that it is cloud based emulator and you can not download it in your PC/Computer. Earlier, there was an iPhone emulator known as App.io but it is not available any more. So, if you are looking for App.io alternative, then Appetize.io is a must-try.

It is available for free for first 100 minutes per month. After that you will be charged $0.05 per minute which is very reasonable too. Note that you will not be able to install any app in the emulator as it’s demo based but you can test .ipa files in it.

To use it, just upload .ipa file in the upload form and enter your email address. You will get a link in your mail inbox. Just click on it to test your .ipa file in the Appetize.io online Emulator.

Final Words

We can easily derive from the above article that whereas it is not possible for many people to afford the iPhones or other Apple devices due to their high cost and availability in certain geographies, it should not inhibit people from being able to access the look and feel and the experience of using a high-end Apple device. Through the use of these emulators, one can easily access a virtual Apple device on their Windows desktops in a matter of minutes and free of cost and can easily use iOS apps on their Windows PC. It is also a great tool for the app developers to develop and test their apps in the real OS environment and fine tune them before launching.